It is really with their own hands to create an amulet that will bring its owner the financial well-being. On how to do it properly and what to use, read this article.

How to make money mascot in the bag with your hands?
Sometimes it happens that our financial possibilities do not coincide with the needs of. This feature occurs quite often in today's world, and this becomes a reason of the immersion of man in the depression.
For days until pay day did not seem so long and painful there are several ways to improve your financial well-being and prosperity. One of these is to create a monetary of the mascot, which has decided to keep in a bag or in the bag.
Surprisingly, in a row, with the fact that these talismans capable of arousing derision and doubts are still actually are working to attract in your portfolio the more money. Of course, will not be paid in him alone. Their effectiveness in what will be the promotion of quality and worthy payment of your work.
With some effort and not spend all the time in one place, with the mascot you have in hand a tremendous power, capable of bringing into your home and financial well-being and life in abundance.
There is the belief that money attracts only for the wallet, which is good. Unfortunately, many do not follow this rule, and why have between notes and a lot of plastic cards, business cards, and receipts. This "junk" discourages the flow of cash, so it's worthwhile to reflect on the state of his portfolio.
A couple of rules of order in the portfolio:
- Remove from old scrap, extra business cards, and discount cards, for these things there are special accessories
- Keep in your wallet only the credit cards that have a certain amount of money. However, it is better, if such a map will be stored separately from banknotes
- Repair of the pockets of the portfolio of all types of photos, receipts, and accounts - that clog the wallet and stop the cash flow
- Better if the banknotes you will be able to arrange in order of seniority, and facing each other
- If you have the ability to store coins and banknotes of paper separate - use this knowledge, if not, store them in a department
- Complete the free in a pocket, in a bag special mascot to attract money

Cash amulet or good luck charm is really to do personally. Don't worry if the mascot will come out not as you would expect, because the important thing is not its appearance, and the strength, the energy and the soul that is invested in his creation.
So the mascot not only can do everything by himself, and also need! The fact is that the acquired mascot has probably travelled in many hands and absorbed the energy of a large number of people. Made you the mascot will be custom and very strong.
The creation of the mascot to attract money:
- The easiest and most powerful talisman can be considered to be the most normal of the dollar bill
- The fact is that it also all of the images there is a symbol that invokes the financial well-being
- It is recommended that you tie a simple dollar bill red thread or ribbon
- Red attracts money, and therefore doubly will take a strong action
As horde amulet on the money with their own hands?
Amulets, attract and attracting a person's financial well-being always enjoyed great popularity among the people.
Particular attention deserves the horde amulet, who is known for his powerful strength and the ability to increase the prosperity of those who has it. Also, the people in possession of these mascots say that the effect Ordynsky amulet is guaranteed almost 100% probability.
So what is this horde amulet? It is not the other who, as the gold-scum of the horde coin. This coin banded drawstring (preferably red) to the shape of a cross. It requires a particular wear, and suggests its location on the neck where it is concealed by an excess of the eyes and is not visible to the other, under the clothes.
So the amulet you can try to do it alone, and you have guaranteed success, if you devoutly believe in your success and future well-being.
Of course, it is better to use the real and original coin, but to find it is not easy. For this you need to regularly visit the temples and take an interest in them the presence of the coin collectors (people who collect coins).
If you are not able to find the original coin - do not hurry to get upset! It is fortunately possible to use any other currency, found it on the street.
But be careful, in any case do not collect coins, left at junctions! It is believed that these coins charges of negative energy and able to attract to you a series of failures.
Creation of Ordynsky amulet to attract wealth:

- The creation of an amulet that requires a certain ritual that must be performed only in that moment, when the moon is in its growth. The crescent moon will help the literal "growth money" in the bag
- At midnight, you should turn on the three candles of green colour. The green is considered to be so "money", as well as the candles will contribute in inflow of money. The spark plug must be positioned in the shape of a triangle and turn on
- The money should be place in the center of the triangle, and for some time not as loud and not too low voice, pronounce all of your wishes with regard to their financial well-being. Try to speak with confidence and with a passionate desire, for all of your energy is transferred in this coin
- Do not take too long lace, which will be constructed of natural material, linen - better, and a coin to tighten the shape of a cross. Tie the currency to cross should happen three times and fixed. The ends of the lace should burn in the flame of a candle
- Ready the amulet is then put under the pillow to spend the entire night with his master, and then never let him go
How to make a real talisman for wealth with their own hands?
With certainty we can say that all the talismans and amulets - the personnel file of each person. Each must choose a mascot, to check the efficacy and compatibility with you, and above all, to believe in him. Choose the mascot of the wealth problem, based on their feelings and intuition.
Make the mascot of the wealth is actually by yourself and for this it is better to use natural materials of natural origin:
- gold
- silver
- copper
- the bronze medal
- tree
- stone
- the skin
- linen
The mascot must necessarily have a certain combination of coloration, that will help to attract money:
- red
- green
- gold
- silver
The principle of operation of this mascot of the wealth is very simple - this thing exists as an energy magnet that attracts the flow of cash and does not give you spending money to the wind.
Whatever you choose for its mascot:
- the coin
- sasso
- pendant
- bag
- the statuette
Any thing for the mascot must speak, that is, to go on board with her and trying to instill in her all his thoughts, desires, strengths and dreams on your financial abundance.
After a similar conspiracy thing absorbs your energy and, in the future, you charge a favorable flow of forces that promote the financial well-being.
The ritual requires a mandatory fee for the assignment of:
- candle (fire - a special magic, it is recommended to use the church a candle, which is in itself a good energy)
- the water (the water is considered to be an "adapter" in another world, and unites man with otherworldly forces)
- a cloth of linen (it is necessary for the performance of the ritual and is able to "clean up" the territory from a different energy to the quality of the ritual)
Every ritual of a conspiracy must be made during the waxing moon - it is a prerequisite of the correct plot.
How to make an amulet to attract money and wealth with their own hands?
The most effective way of cash amulet feel more normal and not a commodity, that is, the one cannot be exchanged for other coins of this cost.
For the coins is a dime or a penny, for banknotes - one dollar or the city. It is worth knowing that you just have to have a coin - malo, it is important to hold on to it for a particular magical ritual, she became a strong and powerful amulet.
The most important condition of this amulet - the inability to spend its daily life, even if it is absolutely necessary.
Another strong amulet accepted rune - a special stone with the image or with the trademark symbol, "Fehu". This symbol recalls the prosperity in your home and becomes for you an important attribute of daily life.
Make his or her own and you can create and for this it is useful to only a pebble, which you can find everywhere: in the woods, by the sea, on the beach. The main thing - the place where you take it in hand, it must be cleansed and charged nature.

How to make imperial amulet wealth with their own hands?
I am of the opinion that the imperial amulet attracts not only the money to its owner, but also luck. Do with their hands is quite simple and all you need is a coin of imperial times of Peter the great.
King coin has a particular energy wealth and luxury, and because his power attracts a variety of well, "master of the house". Buy a coin can only be in the auction or the collector coins.
King coin must bind up three times crisscross the canvas or linen with a rope. The currency must, necessarily, be talking in complete silence and peace, and candlelight.
Plot the coins is his speech, addressed to the coin, and contains in itself the strength of the desire to achieve financial wealth and well-being.
The currency must spend the night under the pillow, and the morning after hanging it on the neck, where it will not be visible to other eyes. Taka real money will contribute to your well-being:
- will help your device to work ,that will give you gains and prosperity
- will contribute to your career and to improve on the work place, which allows you to feel the most gains
- it will help you achieve success in the business world and to eliminate all obstacles on the road of an entrepreneur
- will help to ensure that your debtors in a short time it could repay the amount you borrowed
Present and operating pendants with hands, which are the characteristics?
To understand what kind of amulet to attract money you need for you and realize the principle of her action, you should familiarize yourself with all the existing variations of amulets. Focusing on the "cash" symbols and shapes, you can easily decide what they need to do personally:
- A monetary coin or a banknote - the magic of this amulet is focused only on your faith and the desire to achieve certain results
- Walnut - embodies the force of nature: the earth, from which it grows, of water, of which it nourishes, and the sun, thanks to which you mature. You need to choose a beautiful walnut shape, drill it to the hole and invest in it a small note with your wish. After this nut three times tied cross wire and kept as an amulet for himself
- Bag - a natural fabric which has the special "money" color. This bag full of rice, stones of natural origin (each has its own value), gold coins, color, seeds, and tied with a red ribbon. This bag is worn with it till you achieve your goal
- Wand of cinnamon has long been considered a symbol of wealth, as not everyone can afford. The pay of cinnamon can be easily carries in a bag
- Chinese gold coins - required number of coins - three pieces. They all need to be linked by a red thread, and then you will draw to you wealth
- The toad - has long been considered an animal, is able to bring the money home. In today's world there is a lot of figures of the frog, which takes in the mouth the chinese currency
How to do it yourself a lucky charm with your own hands?
Auto-creation of a chest with an amulet or an amulet to bring good luck much stronger than what you can buy in a store or shop of magical items.
Of course you can just talk about money any that you like an object or use the services of a psychic. However, you should know that the effectiveness of each of each pet - just sum up your success in your work.
You do not need to have any type of special information or skills, in order to speak correctly a coin. You just have to have a burning desire and trust in themselves, to "upload" his own energy. There is the belief that a special force has the money that the man is able independently to earn, or his first earned money.
A lucky charm in the same way will bring you prosperity, but in this case, is still and will contribute to the improvement of the personal life, relationships with others, and reach life goals.
The main talismans and lucky charms:

- Four-leaf clover - a clover four leaves. Usually, three leaves of a clover, the image of four - a rarity for the plants and brings good luck
- The solid - pine embodies the strength and power of a tree, and fertility. You can plant a tree in the courtyard, and you can only keep it in house solid
- Grain of corn - they can be sewn up into a bag. They embody fertility and the Sun
- Cleft the leg - is considered a powerful symbol of prosperity and good luck
- Iron horse - is considered to be a figure with a positive charge of energy, able to bring good luck
How to choose and make the mascot to attract money and good luck with your hands?
Make an amulet or talisman is only one kind of business. The important is to instill in the subject the maximum of its energy and passion to want something ,that for a long time for you it was impossible. If you are not confident in their abilities, is never able to achieve the income you dream.
Be mentally peaceful, only interested in this ritual and try not to tell anyone about your wishes ,so as not to dwell on what he wears the amulet and the strength that he has for you.